E-business is one of the aspects of E-commerce, which is the brotherhood of information technology to business management. The E-business with vast reach of web connects critical business with its critical constituencies. The internet have enhances and quickens modern business procedure and structure creates sustainable computer mediated relationship, The E-business can be classified as, E-business in the organization, Business to Business dealings and Business-to-customer transactions.
In this business timely, faster communication information plays a very important, significant and substantial role. A vast and diverse variety of information required for a business is organized amassed into the Management Information System (MIS). The management information system consists of interconnected sub-systems. These subsystems provide the necessary information to stay competitive. The computer is an electronic means that is used to gather, organize, analyze, and interpret and communicate vast volume of information with fast and quick speed. The use of computers increased the movements of business and quickened it globalization and increased competition.
The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) made faster, secured and correct transfer of documents around the globe less difficult and treasure the computers make a paperless working system possible.
It is amazing how technology has slowly sneaked into our lives and has become a part of our day to day activities even without our conscious knowledge. We have all seen the way cell phones are no longer considered a fashionable gadget for the gadget freaks out there to show off. They have now become an absolutely essential accessory for everyone to have. Carrying one brings us loads of confidence and security and the knowledge that our business partners or loved ones are just a phone call away and are reachable anytime, anywhere at the press of a few buttons. Long queues for making electricity, water, telephone and other bill payments are things of the past.
Credit card payments have been accepted online for years, now. Online banking and trading are the buzzwords of today’s generation. Online shopping is also catching up and busy working people having little time to browse stores for their favorite authors or buy their favorite labels can now order their favorite authors, favorite music and their favorite pair of jeans online and collect them at their doorstep without having to step outside their homes (they just need to make a teeny-weeny bit of effort, enough to answer the doorbell).
But side by side, its Sad to understand that, this cutting edge technology and convenience comes with a few downsides as well. The E-business crime is growing through a minimal group of business who are exploiting and abusing the system for their personal gains and advantage.
Information is easily accessible online. While information technology may have streamlined the business process it has also created job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been done away with causing more people to become unemployed. Though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more convenient, it has also bought along privacy issues. From cell phone signal interceptions to email hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge.
Easy access to information has resulted in new kinds of crime such as cases of credit card frauds and password hackers. Thus various types of electronic crimes are service theft, money theft, computer viruses, Programme data theft, programme damage, data destruction, programme copying, data alteration, hacking violation of privacy. The very names of the criminal activity devotes what they are aimed at. This is done through getting entry into the system unauthorized, manipulating computer data for money theft etc, sueak out stored valuables information unauthorized and at worst erase data through virus.
The stalkers of earlier times have now been replaced by the tech savvy “web stalkers” who follow and keep constant watch on people’s every move online.
These are few to mention about the abuses of Information Technology in relation to business.
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What are the Abuses of Information Technology in Relation to Business?
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