Superstar marketing is a kind of marketing which uses the services of high profile personalities to advertise items or services with the help of their popularity and position in the community. This technique has several approaches; it can include a high profile simply showing in a professional and the celebrity can be finalized for participating events for marketing. Another technique is to start a production using their name as a product. Fragrance and apparel are the biggest items including such marketing. All the top celebrities, performers and models are known to give their names to a certain brand or licensed products. Jennifer Lopez started her own range of outfits some few years ago which features designer outfits personally designed by her.
A client’s buying behavior is hugely influenced by celebrities. Marketing experts, using associative learning concepts, examines the way of life of the superstars to properly allocate them to the product which represents them completely. Their style, attraction, attention, popularity and community picture are analyzed thoroughly to allocate them the right charitable organization work or item. Repeating, preventing, CS pre-exposure, annihilation, overshadowing, belongingness, and organization set size are the concepts on the basis of which research is done like the popular Skip World Aishwarya Rai of India who has very wonderful eyes was selected to strategy for eye contribution venture. Some of the superstars are known for their unique speech. This idea led to the voice-over technique in marketing. Their comments merely entice clients when used in an advertisement.
Today, nearly thirty percent of the marketing industry utilizes celebrity endorsement. A celebrity is bound to endorse many products and brands over a course of time. Each time a different image of the celebrity is being projected to the public. The company should keep in mind the previous identification and play accordingly. Predicting a different person whenever will maintain the interest of the clients, but simultaneously the two details should not issue with each other. The captain of England soccer team Bob Beckham has recommended many items or products. While marketing for Gillette, his flavor for hair-styles was considered and he was given a hairless look. When campaigning for Cops his interest for style was represented all over and intensely jeweled Bob Beckham was portrayed.
If a high profile is not comfortable with being shown in a different way each time he or she can create a visible picture or company brand of their own which can be used each time they enhance for a particular item. The company brand can indicate the character of the specific celebrity, like the font can be stylish if the celebrity is fashion conscious like Jennifer Lopez who created a company brand of JLO, which is used to advertise perfume and even outfits range of her own. Another advantage in this approach is that the product can still be attractive to the crowds of people even after the celebrity has lost his or her looks as they will not require visible identification and helps in the long-term discussions.
Millions of dollars are being spent by promoters to get the marketing support of super celebrities every year. Davie Brownish Entertainment has an agency completely devoted to the purpose of choosing a celebrity for a product. They not only assess a celebrity’s quality to impact product appreciation and customer’s flavor but also design the ads for the superstars to feature in it.
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Superstar Branding