Paying a tax is definitely a difficult job as no one is happy doing so especially when we have limited money in our pocket but it is our social responsibility and we have to fulfill it at any cost. The tax amount to be paid is different for everyone as it is purely based on net worth of our assets and our income. People with higher income have higher tax liability while people with less income have no or small amount of tax liability. Have you ever thought how tax amount is calculated for everyone? If you have been a student of finance or economics then you may already know about it but for all other people, tax amount is finalized by keeping into account the tax rates and these rates varies not only from time to time but from one country to the other.
If you say that these rates are the one which decides the net amount of tax liability which you have to give to your country then it will not be wrong. Tax rates are mainly designed by making different income groups or categories and allocating a fixed rate to every category. The amount of tax you have to pay depends on category in which you lie. These categories start from the first category having no or minimum salary to the last category having salary in six figures. The people lying in first category usually do not have to pay tax as they have minimum amount of income.
The thing to notice is that there are different ways of calculating tax rates and each of these ways give different results, now it depends on your government that which method is being adopted. Apart from the income, you also have to give tax on your assets but only if your assets exceed a fixed amount as mentioned by tax authority.
I am sure; you must be interested in getting to know about your tax rate for this year so that you can save some money before time. You can easily do so right now without taking any professional help. Just open your web browser and find the tax rate for this year in your specific country. Google search will help you to do so within seconds. You will come across a table showing the rate of tax for people belonging to different income groups. You can match your income with that table to know the total amount of your tax liability.
Visit our website to know about Kansas taxes or tax rates for the current year.
All About Tax Rates