meta content= One major key to be successful in a decentralized business is the idea of Information Democracy, ID, a principle of equality that demands actionable insight for all.' name='description'/> meta content= information democracy, article marketing, application of information technology, business management' name='keywords'/> Information Democracy

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Breakdown on What Clickbank Can do for You

There are a lot of reasons that Clickbank has been a successful gateway to internet profitability for so many people.  But two big reasons so many find success with the Clickbank system is that it is simple to understand and get started on quickly and everything in the Clickbank system works.  It is such a well run internet marketing resource that a lot of people have turned to it as a payment gateway rather than PayPal or one of the other more well known funds processing agencies on the web. 

Clickbank does an outstanding job of handling third party credit card transactions.  It really is a critical park of why their business works because Clickbank lists well over ten thousand products and is used by over one hundred thousand partner affiliates so that kind of marketplace has to handle money reliably and safely to survive.  And because everything about Clickbank is digital including all products and the means of delivery, the accountability for handling payments has to be absolutely rock solid dependable and trustworthy. 

The ability for any internet marketer to quickly and easily become a Clickbank affiliate is another reason it is such a stunning success.  It's simplistic to select a product from the Clickbank marketplace once you have a free account on the service which you can easily set up on their web site.  And once you have that account, Clickbank generates tracking codes so it can tell when you have selected a digital product and started promoting it online.  This means with the simple step of creating an account, the door is open for you to sell ten thousand products on your internet marketing web presence with little more work than that.  Suddenly you go from a newcomer to cyberspace to the owner of a Wal-Mart of the web.

Any marketplace in cyberspace or not relies on the meeting of sellers and buyers.  And to be a success Clickbank also has to make it easy for creators of digital products to sell their goods through their marketplace too.  For a seller, there is a fee to get started on Clickbank but considering that by putting their product into this marketer, it could get picked up by an army of 100,000 sellers, a $50 start up fee and a small percentage commission to Clickbank is entirely reasonable.  And since Clickbank is replacing your routine credit card processor and handling all of those transaction fees, their commission is pretty much a wash.

Now you just get your product into the Clickbank library.  You might have to hold your breath to get a sale because you need one sale to get noticed by the marketing software in Clickbank.  But once you are listed, the odds are somebody is going to pick up your product and begin to sell it.  Clickbank tracks and records those sales scrupulously so other affiliates will start to pay attention as your sales pick up and before long you are making tons of sales being promoted by this sales army you never met and have no idea who they are.  You don’t have to know. They are making you rich and getting a handsome commission for themselves in the process.  It’s a beautiful partnership between strangers where everybody wins.

Clickbank is a full service marketplace for the seller because you don’t have to find affiliates or even promote your product.  Just get it out there and once the momentum of sales picks up, it can snowball into a huge seller for you.  The profits roll into your Clickbank account and on your regular distribution cycles you established when you set up the account, Clickbank sends the money to your bank account.  It's just that simple and just that quick.

Taking Clickbank to the Next Level

The thing that is so great for you when you sign on to be an affiliate in Clickbank is also the thing that can be so frustrating about the marketplace and that is how big it is.  With over 10,000 products available for you to promote, just the task of discovering them all and then selecting and organizing them, can be a real challenge.  And if you have wrestled with how to get as much Clickbank product in front of your customers and still keep an orderly system you can work with and your customers can use, a little help goes a long way.

As with a lot of marketing needs though, Clickbank has a way to help you kick your management of the huge Clickbank catalog to another level.  The resource they give you is the Clickbank Mall which is a tool you can have for free that is a great way to organize product.  It can also be a huge boost to your sales and profitability as well.  There are extra profits to be made using the Clickbank Mall and promoting the Clickbank products using the mall concept.  So this one tool can create various streams of income for you just doing what you already do well, marketing products on Clickbank.

Because you can use the Clickbank Mall concept to organize the better products on Clickbank into understandable categories, you make it a lot easier for your customers to find the things they want to buy through you.  The potential for commissions becomes quite lucrative as many Clickbank affiliates have reported up to 75% commissions and the ability to market thousands of Clickbank products because of the organizational power of the Clickbank Mall.

One way that the Clickbank Mall is so profitable is that it can serve as a way to centralize the use of some powerful internet marketing tools that Clickbank makes available.  When you set up a Clickbank marketplace, you can provide webmasters with a free Clickbank search box that will bring customers right to your mall to make purchases.  Then whenever a customer uses that search box, you get a commission on top of your existing Clickbank commission as a direct Clickbank affiliate.  It is yet another layer of profitability for you.

On top of these benefits, Clickbank has an advertising mechanism that works much like the Google Adsense approach but it far more profitable because it is targeted at the Clickbank affiliate team and enhancing your profitability, which of course makes them and the merchants on Clickbank more profitable as well.  You can use the Clickbank Ads free and they even better than Adsense because you earn a commission by the sale rather than just by the click so your take per sale is far greater than the tiny amounts pay per click can generate.

The beauty of the Clickbank mall is that once you step through the process of creating your own free mall, it really will become your marketing presence that you can use as your total front end for your affiliate business.  In laymen's terms that means that if you have been looking for a way to make a lot of money through internet marketing using affiliate sales but you don’t want the overhead and fuss of your own web site with all the cost and technical effort that takes, the Clickbank Mall is the perfect solution.  You can of course use your existing web property and expand the marketing value with the search bar and links that will make the Clickbank Mall work virtually as another page of your web site.

But if you have been looking to get into internet marketing in a big way without the burden of a web site, this is the perfect solution for you also.  The Clickbank Mall will generate a fully functional marketplace web site that can provide the front end for your sales and generate large volumes of Clickbank sales but still be presented to your customers as your web site and your marketplace. 

When you begin to get moving using this powerful feature of Clickbank, the money making functions that are still to discover will continue to convince you that this is a great way to go.  And the more you exploit this resource, the more money you make for yourself and your partners.  That's why this is such a great tool that Clickbank provides to its affiliates.

Sorting Out Clickbank

The problem that comes up sometimes when creating an online business using the Clickbank marketplace is that Clickbank almost is drowning in its own success.  For many people, sorting through his vast marketplace to figure out what product to promote can be a nightmare.  Because Clickbank is the virtual marketplace of choice for any digital product that can be bought and delivered exclusive through the internet, at any given time there may be over ten thousand products you can pick from to promote in the huge Clickbank products catalog.

Just going through that vast catalog can become your second life all by itself.  And if you did try to sort, catalog and understand every product, your brain would be so muddled it would not be able to figure out which products are the winners for you to promote and get big money from.  But at the same time, anyone who has been successful with the Clickbank system has done it by being a smart marketer and learning first how to pick the product that is choice for the market right now and then how to promote it to land big sales from the system.

The first order of business is to set yourself up as an affiliate on the Clickbank web site.  This is just getting your foot in the door but it's an essential step.  It's easy to do and free at the Clickbank web site so take the few minutes you need to get yourself set up in the system and step through the easy sign up form and become an affiliate citizen of Clickbank.

The first thing that will jump out at you when you start looking for a product to promote is that there is a small elite group of products that are clearly the most popular sellers in the catalog.  You might be drawn to those on the idea that if they are popular now, why not cash in on the wave and get some of the revenue from all those sales.  But keep in mind that a popular product also is one that is probably being merchandised by hundreds or thousands of other Clickbank affiliates.   So the internet customer base is being bombarded with sales pitches for that product.  Why join the flood when it may be already dwindling down to a trickle?

This doesn’t mean you pick a product that is not selling well just because it isn't on a lot of other affiliate web sites.  The skill is to pick a product that there is a good market out there in cyberspace for that product but it is a market that has not been heavily "tapped" yet.  Its tricky business and give yourself permission to experiment.  You may not hit pay dirt with the first product you select.  But you will make some money and you can experiment and learn how to select the right product over time.  There is an "intuition" to any kind of market and getting a gut feel for what the internet market is going to want can happen but it’s a gut feel that is developed, it doesn’t just come naturally to you.

There are some other factors of how a product is positioned and how it is already performing that can help with your decision.  Look at the sales copy for the product to see if it is the kind of marketing tool that is likely to work.  Read through it and see if it creates a desire in your to buy the product.  If they can't convince you, it's probably a poorly crafted sales page and you would be wise to steer clear of the product. 

But another variable about the products you pick other than popularity or movement numbers is far more important to your profitability.  You should pick products that pay outstanding commissions.  A commission on the sale of a product on Clickbank can run from 1% to 75%.  That’s a pretty huge variation in profitability.  A good guideline is never promote a product that pays less than 50% commission.  That way even if your sales are not through the roof, you still make a decent return on your investment for promoting the product and the product owner makes money too.  That’s what this partnership is all about.

Some Seriously Profitable Clickbank Tips

The "buzz" about Clickbank could convince you that you can virtually fall backward into money using this service.  And while Clickbank does do all it can to make the major functions of buying and selling easy to do, it does take some savvy to know the insider tips to really make big money in this marketplace.  There is no disputing that Clickbank is the largest marketplace of its kind in the world and one of the biggest hot trends of this decade in terms of internet marketing and money making opportunities.  But success has a price which means that many of the big deals are pretty much played out and you have to go in knowing how to look for the good deals that have yet to be tapped.  So a few seriously profitable Clickbank tips can help your profitability in this big marketplace along nicely.

Your Clickbank ID is a central code you must have to put into your link.  That is the one step that must happen for money to come your way.  But you can be a bit savvy how you create that ID in the first place.  One clever way to keep your ID from broadcasting that you are a Clickbank citizen is to use a more critic ID code.  Something like research4u2 or profits2008 and excellent choices.  These have the feel of an internet business and less of one person out on Clickbank trolling for profits.

Having a website is a great step to maximize your Clickbank listings.  By adding links to Clickbank so your website visitors can go there and use the marketplace to buy your products, Clickbank can virtually replace your catalog pages and your shopping cart with a much smoother operation that is easy to keep up to date and that puts your products into a broader affiliate market with no work from you as well.  Keep in mind your niche markets addressed by your site.  You might have a wide variety of products out on Clickbank but not all of them fit with the theme of your web site.  So if your web site is devoted to musical instruments, focus the way you add links and don’t include links to products that don’t fit there.  If you have products that have no home to be promoted on any of your websites, it's easy enough to set up a new one.

If you are thinking about selecting a product as an affiliate on Clickbank and you want to promote it, you want to know that product is doing well in its home setting so you can capture some of that momentum.  So do a little research on the websites that support the products you are thinking about.  It's easy enough to run some keyword searches and to find the page rank of those web sites.  That will give you an idea if the website owner who is behind this product is putting time and money into SEO on the site which would help it generate bigger profits.

Never stop learning how to make your product listings on Clickbank more successful or how to become a successful affiliate.  Make it a private study to learn how to spot products that are on the verge of a boom of success.  This will take some intuition and some watching the market so you learn where different products, product groups or categories are going.  Like a stock market at any time some products will be surging in sales potential while others are tapering off.

It will take some dedication, creativity and even some courage to make bold moves to keep on top of your accounts and keep them profitable week to week.  But if you treat your Clickbank management as part of your larger job of becoming successful on the internet, these efforts will pay off.

Some Clickbank Basics

You have to be somewhat in the know to even have heard the name "Clickbank" much less know what it is.  This is funny because the truth is that Clickbank is far and away the largest internet marketplace for digital products and affiliates who want to sell them in the entire internet.  That puts Clickbank in its niche on a par with Amazon or Ebay and yet few have heard of Clickbank.  It just keeps running smoothly serving the internet community without fanfare.

When Clickbank came along, it really stepped into a nightmare scenario of online marketing and smoothed out the rough edges.  In the infancy of internet marketing getting set up as an online marketer meant you had to find someone to handle credit card payments.  To do this you had to have what was called a "merchant account" with an actual credit card company and the requirements to qualify for such an account were out of reach for most new internet merchants just trying to get established.

As an example, if you got your internet business up and running, you could not get a merchant account unless you were running a minimum of $1000 a month through your business.  Of course it was almost impossible to get that kind of business moving through your site if you could not offer credit card payment so you were stuck.  But from the credit card company's point of view, they were protecting themselves if you sold something online and there were a lot of refunds to be processed which made the entire relationship unprofitable for them.   So it was a lose lose situation for the credit companies and even more so for the new internet marketer just trying to catch a break in the business.

ClickBank responded to this market need with the business goal of creating a marketplace where sellers and buyers could work together selling digital products with greater ease to benefit everybody.  And considering that since then Clickbank has grown to represent over 10,000 products and serve the needs of over 100,000 partner affiliates, they certainly have been a success in their business mission in life.  They even stepped in and solved the merchant account problem by handling all the money movement collecting sales for the products they represent and distributing it to vendors easily and with no fuss so a vendor can quickly get a product out on the marketplace with very little cost or effort and see that product begin to return profits very quickly.

ClickBank knows that to continue to be a success they have to make doing business through their marketplace simple and profitable for vendors with products and affiliates who want to sell those products.  They offer a smorgasbord of tools especially to affiliates to study products to see which ones to broker and to see statistically which ones are already a success or on a trend toward greater success soon. 

For the affiliate this means a lot of help figuring out how to be a success and then tracking that success every step of the way and making adjustments to your product mix quickly and easily.  For the vendor this means that affiliates have a natural mechanism to pick up their product and get it out on the internet markets quickly.  That means quick sales with little or no effort in the marketing process for the vendor.

This is not to say that ClickBank is internet marking for idiots and it certainly is no place for scam artists.  The regulations for both affiliates and vendors are complicated and you need to understand them.   So take some time when getting signed up with Clickbank to understand what is expected of you.  Make no mistake, Clickbank is a marketplace like any other.  Your product will stand and fall on its own value so you will have to offer something of value to customers.  But as a genuine market its one of the best the internet has to offer and the huge success in terms of products sold and satisfied affiliates attests to that.