meta content= One major key to be successful in a decentralized business is the idea of Information Democracy, ID, a principle of equality that demands actionable insight for all.' name='description'/> meta content= information democracy, article marketing, application of information technology, business management' name='keywords'/> Information Democracy

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What is Legal online advertising and illegal online advertising?

Ever since the advent of Internet, advertising on the World Wide Web has been very popular. Many corporations, companies and business have taken advantage of this and you can see ads on any web pages you visit. Consumer can go to any search engine and type the keyword relating to what they are looking for and hit search and they will be provided with a huge list from which they can select. This is a very cost effective and time saving method of advertising.
It has become really easy for any business to have a personalized website by which they can advertise, directly interact with the customer; provide details about their product and services. Regular newsletters, offers, discounts can be pasted on site to increase the interest of the website visitors.
Since it’s easy to reach any kind of audience concerning any kind of business, the possibility of misuse is always there. Based on this Internet advertising is classified into two kinds of advertisement, legal online advertising and illegal online advertising. Legal online advertising includes online advertising directories, search engine advertising, e-mail advertising, and desktop advertising. Illegal advertising is more commonly know as spamming. This is usually done by altering some system settings with the help of external applications after which pop-ups are sent to a particular network or computer. The external applications are known as adware or spyware. Some of these are really harmful, the most famous being Trojans, which are very hard to uninstall and remove from the system.       
With the increase in technology, special effects are being used to make advertisement more interesting. Vivid colors, good page layout and lots of imagination is involved. Typically Adobe Flash is used to design advertisements these days. Depending on the technology being used to design advertisements can be classified into various categories.
Banner ads are animations displayed on the website usually created in HTML or Eudora. There is a range of type and sizes of the ads. Trick banner ads are banner ads that have an extra functionality of dialog boxes and buttons and are displayed as an alert or error message.
A pop-up is an advertisement displayed in a new window that covers up the active web page. A pop-under advertisement opens in another window that is under the active web page and can be seen after the present window is either closed or minimized.
Interstitial ads are those that are displayed before directing over to the desired page.
Wallpaper ads form the background of the web page.

The ads that float on the screen are known as a floating ad.
Polite ads download on a low pace without interrupting the normal functioning of the website.
An ad that enlarges and changes the contents of the page being displayed is known as expanding ad.
Advertisements which are displayed in a video form on a website is known as a video ad.
There are many ways by which advertising slots can be purchased on Internet like CPM, CPV, CPC, CPA, CPL and CPO. CPM or cost per mil means that the advertiser is meant to pay for a particular number of people to whom the advertisement will be exposed.  CPV or cost per visitor means that the advertiser is meant to pay for the people to whom the advertisement was delivered. CPC or cost per click means paying for the number of clicks made on the advertisement by the visitors. Although the advertisement is put up on the website, the amount is paid only after the visitor clicks on the URL of the advertisement. CPA or cost per action means that the advertisement publisher bares all the charges of advertisement, but he gets paid only if the visitor clicks on the advertisement and purchases a product or signs-up for a service. CPL or cost per lead is similar to CPA, only that the visitor doesn’t have to necessarily buy anything; he or she can simply apply to get regular newsletters and special offers. CPO or cost per order is where the advertiser pays each time an order is placed.
Online advertisements cannot only be used to promote a product or service but in fact they can be used for purposes like promoting charity and spreading education.

Copywriting For An Online Audience

So what's the big deal about copywriting for the Internet? It's the same as any other form of copywriting isn't it? In a word, yes. But in another word, no. Confused? Sick of all these questions? I had better myself explain then.

No matter what medium you are using, all copywriting should have one prime objective - create an effective message that appeals to the audience it is intended to influence. This golden rule applies to websites, brochures, and sales letters, even adding a nice message to Grandma's little pink birthday card. However, the Internet presents a number of unique challenges for a copywriter, even if the people reading your sales letters are the same ones reading your website.

Think about it for a minute. Do you read on the Internet the same way you read on paper? Not for long. First of all, there are comfort factors such as the monitor resolution, colours, glare, and a reading surface that doesn't move. Secondly, we are conditioned to read websites in a different manner. Online, we are quite comfortable scanning sub-headings, clicking on hyperlinks, and jumping between pages.

Thirdly, the majority of people looking at your business website are there because they seek a service that you provide. After all, they made the effort to visit you didn't they? The online reader can be impatient and demanding, and they usually know what they want before they click through he door. If your business doesn't impress them straight away, it's a quick tap on the keyboard to find someone who will. Even if you do provide the product or service they need, it doesn't take much effort to duck into your competitors store for a browse around. Website copywriting is a bit like speed dating – you have to make a big first impression and leave them thinking "I bet we'd be good together".

Readers of hard copy sales material don't have the luxury to pick and choose, so they become somewhat of a captive audience. After all, it takes a lot more effort to call or visit your competitors business in the real world. In addition, a brochure could sit on a potential customers desk for months, staring at them with puppy dog eyes, day in day out, until one day the customer decides to make some enquiries.

With these unique challenges in mind, here are a few copywriting pointers to help make your website a lean, mean, highly effective, sales machine:

1. Snatch their attention from the first paragraph
Most visitors spent less than one minute summing up a website before they decide whether to stay or go. There is no time for waffling paragraphs about who you are, where you live, and how your wife makes the best apple pie. You have to get to the point as fast as you can. If you don't convey your key message in the first few lines, don't expect many people to be around to read them further on.

2. Short paragraphs
If you want people to read your website, forget the long descriptive, romantic prose about the salubrious ambience of your pulchritudinous offer. They will only think you are stercorous (take my word for it, you really don't want to be). Short paragraphs are most effective on the web because they can be differentiated and skimmed at a glance. Visual layout is the key.

3. Make sure your copy flows
Reading online is straining enough. Flowing on from the point above, using jargon, formal language and/or trying to impress your audience with your knowledge of words containing more than ten letters will only make the reader irritated, frustrated and start to think about places or sites they'd rather be.

Remember the old adage Keep It Simple Stupid? Write as though your audience is a bunch of twelve year olds. Don't sound patronising, but don't assume they know anything about your business or what you do. They have arrived laden with buring questions, "What are you selling?" "Why should I choose you?" "Where are you?" "How can I get some of this?" "How much is it?"

5. Appropriately tempt your audience
A lot of hot and personal activity goes down on the Internet, but lets face it, the technology itself isn't causing readers monitors to fog up. The content is what makes things exciting. The Internet itself is just an impersonal two-dimensional screen. Good copy-writing might not always be intended to get the heart racing, but it must connect with your intended audience to break through this impersonal barrier. Maybe you need a little humor, sophistication, cold corporate speak, personal touch, or yes, even something racy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Voice of Customer Service

Customer relationship management tools abound, yet let's hear it for old technology. Your voice is the most multifaceted customer service tool in your toolkit. Your voice can convey concern, care and compassion. It can alternately convey boredom, neglect or contempt. Your challenge: to insure your voice reinforces the service you strive to deliver through your actual words and action.

Customer service is about more than mouthing the words customers want to hear. You have to sound believable. How do you sound? Try this experiment. Call your own answering machine and leave yourself a message normally intended for your customers. Now replay it. Are you convincing? Does sincerity ring from your voice or are you just mouthing clichés in a disinterested fashion?

Depending your tone of voice you can alternately sound:
Compassionate or Condescending
Confident or Insecure
Knowledgeable or Ignorant
Attentive or Disinterested
Focused or Scattered
Alive or Comatose

Pick one of the following phrases:

"Thank you for calling. We're excited to serve you."

"Welcome back. It's so nice to see you again."

"We've missed you. Thank you for coming in again."

Mouth it a few times to a colleague next to you or over the phone to a friend.

- Now ask your listener: "How do I sound?"

- When you're monotonal you may sound flat and lifeless.

- How does this sound when you're tired? Uninspired?

- How does this sound when you're expressive? Do you generate good will and energy?

- How does this sound when you're sincere? Is there a genuine quality to your voice?

- How does this sound when you're friendly? Does warmth emanate from your conversation?

- How does this sound when you are smiling? Does your good humor come translate?

Mirror Mirror on the Desk
There is a reason many telesales and customer service representatives have mirrors on their desk. It's not to admire their beauty or to insure the proverbial spinach isn't stuck to their teeth. In this case, the mirror has two purposes. First, as a reminder to reps to smile while on the phone. Even though their smile isn't seen by listeners, it is felt. When we smile it loosens up our jaws and relaxes us. This is then conveyed through our voice. We sound more relaxed, friendly and open because we are. The act of smiling activates certain muscles in our face and neck and actually alters our disposition for the better. The mirror both reminds us to smile and confirms we are when we glance at it periodically. Not to sound overly Dramatics, but "What you see is what they get."

When we consider the message our voice sends customers, don't forget to consider your inflection. It is important to understand where in a sentence you put the emphasis. What words do you accentuate? Which words do you emphasize? Depending on your placement of accent you can send different messages with the same set of words. Consider the following statement: "It's all over my friend." Depending on the placement of accent and pause, this statement could either lament the end of a successful run of some sort, or be describing the result of a sick bird flying overhead of your pal.

Similarly, this statement, based on inflection, may send two entirely different messages: "What's that in the road ahead?" or "What's that in the road, a head?" You can see how inflections inform. Let's make sure the information we convey is supported by our inflections.

Actors often take the Shakespearean phrase "to be or not to be, that is the question" and repeat it alternately while emphasizing different words. For instance, one variant might be "To be or NOT, to be THAT is the question!"

Revisiting our triplet of phrases let's see how inflection alters their meaning:

"Thank you for calling. We're delighted to serve you."

We can place the accent on different words to convey different sentiments. The capital letters indicate the words being accented through our inflection.

"THANK you for calling. We're delighted to serve you."

"Thank you for CALLING. We're delighted to serve you."

"Thank you for calling. We're DELIGHTED to serve you."

"Thank you for calling. We're delighted to SERVE you."

"Thank YOU for calling. We're delighted to serve YOU."

For yourself, try this same exercise with each of the statements below, accenting different words within each sentence so as to find the inflection that best conveys your sentiment.

"Welcome back. It's so nice to see you again."

"We've missed you. Thank you for coming in again."

Voice Your Concern
Using a pleasant tone, effective intonation, and empathic emotion your voice can go a long way toward helping customers feel heard, valued and cared for. Mama was right, it is more than what you say, it's how you say it too.

Determining Quality And Low Cost Pay Per Click Internet Advertising Servic

As Pay per click's name suggests, you only pay for actual click through to your web site. Inexpensive Pay per click internet advertising lists your web site according to your bid for a certain search keyword. Of course, Web sites which pay more are ranked higher.

Pay-per-click internet advertising can be a very reasonable cost compared to other manner of promotion on the Internet. You don't pay any amount until a visitor actually clicks on your listing and go to see your web site. The low cost pay per click internet advertising counts how many visitors click on your listing and takes the money out of an account you have set up with them.

You host the images to be used in your low cost pay per click internet advertising, so you can monitor and change the banner at anytime. Targeted advertising in pay for clicks will help increase the amount of customers you obtain at a controlled cost.

There are many low cost pay per click internet advertising solutions available in the internet. All you have to make sure is that the advertising solution guarantees your satisfaction and your web site's traffic.

In determining good quality and affordable pay per click internet advertising service, make sure to run very carefully planned and structured promotions in order to boost the targeted traffic to your web site and increase guest conversion rate.
Make sure that the pay per click internet services you applied for studies your business as well as your competitors. Plus, don't forget to give specific details regarding your target audience for your web site.

After the cheap pay per click internet advertising solution has finished studying and analyzing your business, research to produce the most appropriate keywords for your business. The pay per click internet advertising solution would then prepare an exclusive copy of the advertisement to be able to catch the attention of the would-be web site visitors.

For successful pay per click internet advertising, you and the solutions should identify appropriate landing pages. If needed, a number of changes are suggested to construct the perfect landing page which would work for an entry point to your website.

It is one great way to increase the visibility of your new web site. It is the fastest growing marketing tool there is today. Because of a wide range of companies servicing inexpensive pay per click internet advertising solutions, you must be careful to choose which company to trust. You should be able to research the service quality they are willing to offer .

Monday, July 11, 2011

Decoration Books - Enhance your creative skills

Decoration Books is one of the best guides that help you to decorate your favorite places and things. In simple words with the help of decorating book you can decorate your house, garden, office, cakes, cookies, etc. It has the best collection in most of the topics that a decorator seeks for. With decorating book you can make a well-decorated output. It doesn't matters whether you are a good decorator or not but with an appropriate decorating book you can decorate easily and quickly.

Decorating Books is well illustrated in free decorating tips, way through which you can make your house comfortable and beautiful, it also tackles common design problems and bring a firm look in your decorating skill.

Decoration Books: Advantages
Decorating book contains professional decorating ideas, clear instructions, lavish photographs and easy projects that help you to decorate with ease. Decoration Books assist you to make uniquely decorated house.

Decorating Books: Review
Decoration books, enhances your decorating skills and help you to create best style in your work. It has some wonderful resources, which provides inspiration, tips and ideas. Decorating Book offers project work, which are easy, simple and inexpensive.

Before You Buy: Decorating Books
If you have decided to purchase a decorating book its very important you have a look at the book carefully. See that every color, illustrated pictures and projects are as per your choice and needs.
Nowadays you can easily purchase a decorating book online. There are number of sites that offer such books. All you have to do is select the book of your choice and apply for the same.

Best Selling Book Cover Design

An interior of a book is also important a well placed layout of a book makes the readers easy to read and sends a message to the reader. The formatting of the interiors should be done before the cover design is completed. A well laid out book page layout is the one most reader preferred. Create a original design that gives an edge over other publishers. Pictures and photos should be given utmost importance and blends with the subject of the book. A wrong design sends wrong signals for the readers and it will remain in the shelf than in the reader's room.

Work with an experienced graphic designer who offers the services like book cover design, case wrap design, book jacket design, text layout, barcode and image scanning. Your book is judged by its cover right from the distributors, dealers, book store and finally the readers. Try to get maximum potential out of your book cover and its interior pages.

There are two major parts to be looked at for a best selling book

Part one: - Design Part
That includes the book cover design, book layout and its interior pages.

Part two: - Publishing part
Editing, Copy-writing, typesetting, illustration and graphics

Once all these above things are done then it is time for printing. Before doing that you have to observe few things like the spine width of the book cover it is determined by the number of pages in the book. The next process is the book type hardbound or softbound once that is decided submit your manuscript preferably in MS word format with titles sub titles and headings etc.

Boost Your IQ: Techniques to Increase Your Intelligence Quotient Today

It is possible to enhance your intelligence quotient in a matter of 10 minutes. Some techniques to do so are discussed below.
Don't you want to enhance your IQ? Of course, you can use the brain power exercises and techniques. But these are long term and you would need to regularly practice them. What if you want to boost your IQ now, when you don't have more than 10 minutes. You would need all your IQ for any important meeting, or a test or any other major event in your life. If you really need some concrete results and not argue about intelligence, try the following techniques.

Breath To Increase Intelligence Quotient

Breath deeply through your nose. This will relax you immensely and help you remain calm and composed. Deep breathing infuses oxygen into your blood and therefore into your brain and enhances its functioning. A relaxed brain will be far more efficient. Also nose breathing uses the diaphragm more, so lungs draw more air. This is the simplest and shortest way to enhance your intelligence quotient immediately.
Another level of relaxation through breathing is meditation. Sit in whatever posture you are comfortable and concentrate on your breathing. With eyes closed, breath through your nose initially and this will truly calm and relax you. you will have thoughts interfering but just ignore them and keep your focus on your breathing. Do this for a few minutes.

Posture and exercise can improve your IQ

The posture you take while at any problem will surely affect the intelligence at your disposal. Just observe the difference when you solve a math problem slouching and sleeping while you do the same sitting upright. The latter posture will definitely be better since you can think a lot better like that.

You need to exercise, but not a very hectic regime as such. Exercise just enough to pump blood into your brain. Walking works for many but a better alternative to boost your IQ is aerobics.

Sleep also is very crucial for proper brain functioning. But the quality of sleep is also important apart from the duration of sleep.

Diet to Boost IQ

One tree whose leaves do certainly increase blood flow into brain is ginkgo biloba tree. You can use its leaves either in tea or in form of capsules. It also helps improve your memory power and concentration. The effect is immediate and it lasts long if regularly used. 

Caffeine is certainly a IQ booster. It has been proved that any test taken after consuming caffeine in some form or the other does increase your scores. But do remember, that the effect is only temporary and caffeine if used longer can have adverse side effects too.

Give up sugar. Any carbohydrate if taken beyond a limit, can blur your thinking. Insulin gets injected into your blood stream after you have sugar and thus diminishes your ability to think. Avoid all carbohydrates like white flour, sugar, potatoes if you want to think clearly.

Results matter in the end

Experts will endlessly debate if the above techniques can really boost one's IQ. But there are times when it is very crucial for you to score high in a test. The above techniques if are found to be IQ booster, why not use them rather than wasting time in thinking if IQ really gets boosted or not. What matters is the score you get in the IQ test. So if you sleep well, have coffee and think sitting straight and if all this boosts IQ, there is no harm in doing the above techniques. These will prepare you better to face any task. Hence, be wise and don't debate any more on IQ and its definitions.

I am sure you all know Henry Ford. What was his IQ, any idea? Why bother? He was the most creative thinker of the last century and he was so because he was always in the company of intelligent people. That alone is a direct 20 point in IQ. I hope you get the point I state here.

You are concerned about results. Hence if you want to be creative resort to such techniques of finding a solution. There are techniques available to try out anything. Try your hands at speed reading and you will have double the grasp on the subject you read. What the world will see are the results or achievements you garner in your lifetime. The Monalisa, the Empire State building, etc, are what the world will remember and not your score in IQ tests.