meta content= One major key to be successful in a decentralized business is the idea of Information Democracy, ID, a principle of equality that demands actionable insight for all.' name='description'/> meta content= information democracy, article marketing, application of information technology, business management' name='keywords'/> Information Democracy

Monday, July 11, 2011

Best Selling Book Cover Design

An interior of a book is also important a well placed layout of a book makes the readers easy to read and sends a message to the reader. The formatting of the interiors should be done before the cover design is completed. A well laid out book page layout is the one most reader preferred. Create a original design that gives an edge over other publishers. Pictures and photos should be given utmost importance and blends with the subject of the book. A wrong design sends wrong signals for the readers and it will remain in the shelf than in the reader's room.

Work with an experienced graphic designer who offers the services like book cover design, case wrap design, book jacket design, text layout, barcode and image scanning. Your book is judged by its cover right from the distributors, dealers, book store and finally the readers. Try to get maximum potential out of your book cover and its interior pages.

There are two major parts to be looked at for a best selling book

Part one: - Design Part
That includes the book cover design, book layout and its interior pages.

Part two: - Publishing part
Editing, Copy-writing, typesetting, illustration and graphics

Once all these above things are done then it is time for printing. Before doing that you have to observe few things like the spine width of the book cover it is determined by the number of pages in the book. The next process is the book type hardbound or softbound once that is decided submit your manuscript preferably in MS word format with titles sub titles and headings etc.

Boost Your IQ: Techniques to Increase Your Intelligence Quotient Today

It is possible to enhance your intelligence quotient in a matter of 10 minutes. Some techniques to do so are discussed below.
Don't you want to enhance your IQ? Of course, you can use the brain power exercises and techniques. But these are long term and you would need to regularly practice them. What if you want to boost your IQ now, when you don't have more than 10 minutes. You would need all your IQ for any important meeting, or a test or any other major event in your life. If you really need some concrete results and not argue about intelligence, try the following techniques.

Breath To Increase Intelligence Quotient

Breath deeply through your nose. This will relax you immensely and help you remain calm and composed. Deep breathing infuses oxygen into your blood and therefore into your brain and enhances its functioning. A relaxed brain will be far more efficient. Also nose breathing uses the diaphragm more, so lungs draw more air. This is the simplest and shortest way to enhance your intelligence quotient immediately.
Another level of relaxation through breathing is meditation. Sit in whatever posture you are comfortable and concentrate on your breathing. With eyes closed, breath through your nose initially and this will truly calm and relax you. you will have thoughts interfering but just ignore them and keep your focus on your breathing. Do this for a few minutes.

Posture and exercise can improve your IQ

The posture you take while at any problem will surely affect the intelligence at your disposal. Just observe the difference when you solve a math problem slouching and sleeping while you do the same sitting upright. The latter posture will definitely be better since you can think a lot better like that.

You need to exercise, but not a very hectic regime as such. Exercise just enough to pump blood into your brain. Walking works for many but a better alternative to boost your IQ is aerobics.

Sleep also is very crucial for proper brain functioning. But the quality of sleep is also important apart from the duration of sleep.

Diet to Boost IQ

One tree whose leaves do certainly increase blood flow into brain is ginkgo biloba tree. You can use its leaves either in tea or in form of capsules. It also helps improve your memory power and concentration. The effect is immediate and it lasts long if regularly used. 

Caffeine is certainly a IQ booster. It has been proved that any test taken after consuming caffeine in some form or the other does increase your scores. But do remember, that the effect is only temporary and caffeine if used longer can have adverse side effects too.

Give up sugar. Any carbohydrate if taken beyond a limit, can blur your thinking. Insulin gets injected into your blood stream after you have sugar and thus diminishes your ability to think. Avoid all carbohydrates like white flour, sugar, potatoes if you want to think clearly.

Results matter in the end

Experts will endlessly debate if the above techniques can really boost one's IQ. But there are times when it is very crucial for you to score high in a test. The above techniques if are found to be IQ booster, why not use them rather than wasting time in thinking if IQ really gets boosted or not. What matters is the score you get in the IQ test. So if you sleep well, have coffee and think sitting straight and if all this boosts IQ, there is no harm in doing the above techniques. These will prepare you better to face any task. Hence, be wise and don't debate any more on IQ and its definitions.

I am sure you all know Henry Ford. What was his IQ, any idea? Why bother? He was the most creative thinker of the last century and he was so because he was always in the company of intelligent people. That alone is a direct 20 point in IQ. I hope you get the point I state here.

You are concerned about results. Hence if you want to be creative resort to such techniques of finding a solution. There are techniques available to try out anything. Try your hands at speed reading and you will have double the grasp on the subject you read. What the world will see are the results or achievements you garner in your lifetime. The Monalisa, the Empire State building, etc, are what the world will remember and not your score in IQ tests.

The 7 Deadly Barriers to Success

You want to start up a business on the Internet but it hasn't happened. What can you do to put yourself on the journey to success?

You can identify what is stopping you and take steps to overcome these common but deadly barriers…

(1)Lack of Goals
If you sit down at your computer with the Internet connected with no goals, it is likely you will end up surfing without a purpose. This is very time consuming.

Decide what you want to achieve, make it as specific as possible and plaster copies of them all over your home so you can't fail to read them at least 5 times a day.

Your mind will start to believe them and if you take active steps to achieve them – they will not be out of your reach.

(2)Lack of Money
Okay for some people this will be a genuine factor but for the majority of us, there is a vice or an activity we can give up, like smoking, the odd bottle of wine or an aerobics class.

Most of us will be able to find something to give up or cut down on for the few months it takes to get started.

The Internet provides so many free resources and is the cheapest way to start a business these days so buckle down the purses or give up a vice and join the ride.

(3)No Research
This is a most deadly barrier. Because you might think you have a idea for a product but unless you are absolutely sure there is a market for it, you have no assurances of success.

If you have a list you can ask them for their opinions. Or go onto to some of the many forums and ask for people's opinions and test the water.

Don't create a product and waste precious resources until you are sure there is a market. Even better create the product after you have investigated a market and know what they want.

(4)Scared of Failure
You've probably heard it before but do you think Einstein got it right first time? Do you think any inventor gets it right first time?

I'm sure it takes 100s and even 1000s of attempts in some cases before its "Eureka". Failures happen to be learnt from so don't be afraid of them or give up when one occurs. 
Sit down, learn your lessons and get on with your next plan of action with your head held high.

(5)Information Overload
I know all about this one! You get so many ideas and ways of marketing in your head, they all merge, make your mind utterly confused and you can't even think of one straight idea.

The solution to this is to try one thing at a time. Test its success and if it doesn't work, move on. And when you find something that's works, stick to and master it.

Then you can go onto try something else but only if you want to. Its better to be excellent at one thing, then not very good at lots of things.

Also you could try choosing one or two 'gurus' to follow. You can copy their roads to success as long as it is in your own words.

This is the one thing NOT to become a master at! Tomorrow never comes. Don't put off things you can to today. Do something every day to bring you closer to your goals.

I know the soaps and TV in general can be very entertaining but imagine what you can achieve if you spent that time making substantial amounts of money on the Internet. The possibilities have no limits.

(7)Other People's Views
Whether its your partner, boss, kids, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, whoever – do not let them put you down. If you want to succeed, its down to you and you alone.

Keep that one mindedness and don't budge from it, whatever the daily grind throws at you. You can succeed and you will.
Live the life you want to. If you want to work from 9 to 5 and are happy, then so be it. However, if that is not the case, it's up to you to do something about it. Today, the Internet is your oyster, so get out there and find the pearls.    You can as well visit the link below for an  innovative information of Application of Information technology to Business Management here:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

10 Things to Expect from Your SEO Copywriter

From the perspective of a business owner, webmaster, or marketing manager, the change exhibited by the Internet is profoundly exciting, yet profoundly disturbing. The information (and misinformation and disinformation) it offers, the business benefits it promises, and the rules it is governed by change at such a rapid rate that it's almost impossible to keep up.

These changes have led to a growing appreciation of the value of quality web copy. This appreciation has, in turn, led to an influx of opportunistic 'copywriters' promoting themselves as website copywriters or SEO copywriters. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few excellent SEO copywriters out there, and you should definitely shop around. The purpose of this article isn't to scare you; it's to help you find the SEO copywriter who'll deliver honest service and excellent results.

So with that in mind, take a look at the following ten tips. These are the things you have a right to expect from anyone wearing a name badge that reads "website copywriter", "SEO copywriter", "internet copywriter", or "web copywriter"… (See also 10 Things to Expect From Your Website Copywriter and How to Make the Most of Your Website Copywriter.)

1) An understanding of SEO

Obviously, your SEO copywriter must have a solid understanding of the essentials of Search Engine Optimization. They must know that ranking is essentially the result of a website's relevance (i.e. keywords) and importance (i.e. inbound links). There are a whole lot of other factors involved, but if your SEO copywriter doesn't understand these two basics, you should look elsewhere. If you'd like to ensure your SEO copywriter knows a little more than just the basics, take a look at SEO for CEOs, Writing SEO Copy, SEO Trade Secrets, Web Copy - How Much is Enough?, and How to Top Google by Writing Articles for some clues as to what you might like to ask in order to assess their knowledge.

2) Proven experience

The proof is, as they say, in the pudding. It's not enough that your SEO copywriter can talk the talk; they must also be able to walk the walk. Ask to see some examples of websites for which they've obtained some good rankings. Note that it may be very difficult to find an SEO copywriter who has actually worked on both keywords and link generation, so if you find one who has, and they write well, snap 'em up! They'll have a very broad and useful working knowledge of search engines.

3) An understanding of how many keywords to use

You don't want to fill every page up with every keyword you're targeting. This simply dilutes your site's relevance and reduces readability. Ask your SEO copywriter how many keywords they would recommend targeting on each page. Hopefully they'll suggest no more than 3, preferably 2. By targeting 2 keyword phrases per page, you can use them a lot without impacting readability.

4) Clear agreement on who will provide keywords

Someone needs to perform a keyword analysis in order to figure out what words you should be trying to rank highly for. Your SEO copywriter should be able to do this for you, but it's quite often more cost-effective if someone a little closer to the business does it. Either way, make sure your agreement with your SEO copywriter makes it very clear who is performing this task. Don't assume the SEO copywriter is going to do it, because they may assume you're going to do it, and then you'll blow your budget.

5) Keywords or keyword phrases

Expect your SEO copywriter to offer some advice regarding how specific you should be with your keywords. In most industries, the competition for keywords is so fierce that you'll be forced to target very specific keywords in order to rank – at least at the outset. For instance, if you're in IT, you probably wouldn't start out by targeting the keyword "IT". The competition is immense (at the time of writing, there were approx 3,240,000,000 results for this search in and the IT giants already dominate the search engines for this keyword. Instead, try using a more specific keyword phrase like "IT infrastructure consulting new york" (at the time of writing, there were only around 4,000,000 results for this search in The other benefit to targeting more specific keyword phrases is that you'll generate more relevant leads.

6) Agree on word count per page
Always make sure your SEO copywriter gives you an indication of the number of words they expect to write per web page. While it's necessary to have a decent body of words on most of your web pages, you certainly shouldn't have too many. What "too many" is all depends on your industry, the objective of the page, and the needs of your audience. It's always a delicate balance, but it's certainly possible to rank highly with only 100-200 words per page. So don't be fooled into paying for copy you don't need!

7) Density targets & measure

SEO of a web page is NOT guess-work. A good SEO copywriter will talk about density measures. This is a measure of the number of time the keyword phrase appears on the page. It's expressed as a percentage of the total word count of the page. So if your page has 200 words, and your keyword phrase appears 10 times, its density is 5%. As a rule of thumb, your SEO copywriter should be aiming for a density of approximately 5% for your primary keyword phrase and 3-5% for your secondary keyword phrase. If your density measures are much higher than this, readability will be reduced, and you'll risk being perceived as spam by the search engines. Make sure your SEO copywriter understands keyword density, is prepared to state the target density for each keyword phrase, and is also happy to be measured by that standard (should you decide to measure).

8) Where to place keywords

The question of keyword placement has been the subject of much debate amongst SEO copywriters. While it is still unclear how much impact placement has, there is a general consensus that it has SOME impact. Be sure that your copywriter is aware of this impact. Popular opinion has it that keywords are more effective if they appear in headings, bolded text, links, and generally toward the beginning of the page.

9) Some comment on structure & links

Websites are generally better indexed by search engines if their spiders can traverse the entire site using text links. This means your SEO copywriter should be linking each page to every other page using text links. If your site is complex, this may be impractical, so your SEO copywriter will need to create a hierarchical structure for your site. First, they should break your subject material down into categories. Then for each category, they should write a summary page. These summary pages should be accessible from higher level pages via text links. They should also be accessible from each other. Each summary page should link – using text links – to a number of pages discussing the finer details of the category. And each detail page in a particular category should link to every other detail page in that category (once again, using text links). This way the spiders are able to travel from the top of your hierarchy to the bottom, and from left to right across any level.

10) Don't believe grand promises

SEO copywriters can play a significant role in increasing your search engine ranking. But they can't do it overnight. By optimizing your site for your target keyword phrases, an SEO copywriter is simply declaring the relevance of your site. If you engage an SEO copywriter to write helpful articles containing a byline with a link back to your site, you can then submit these articles for publication on the Internet, and this will steadily increase your ranking. But if an SEO copywriter tells you they can dramatically increase your ranking in a matter of hours or days, be wary. NOTE: Your SEO copywriter should be able to submit your articles to various submit sites on the Internet. These sites are closely watched by hundreds of thousands of publishers of e-newsletters and article pages from all around the world. High quality articles are quickly snapped up and published prolifically. And each time your article is published, you've got another link back to your site, thus increasing the importance of your site (to the search engines). If you'd like to submit your own articles, your SEO copywriter should be able to sell you a list of 50 or more submit sites for as little as USD$99.


An SEO copywriter is a valuable addition to your marketing function. But you need to make sure you choose wisely. When you know what questions to ask, the battle is half won.

The Secret of Adsense Advertisement Blending

Adsense advertisement blending is somewhat of an art. Many successful Adsense publishers will tell you that their websites and blogs generated more income when they took the time to blend their units into their pages.

Today, it seems that the vast majority of Web surfers have conditioned themselves not to click on anything that resembles blatant Adsense advertising. By blending your advertisement units in your web pages, you are increasing the chances that your visitors will click on them believing that they are part of the content.

In the past, some of the most common Adsense locations have been, either the top or bottom of a page or at one side . They are so common; in fact, statistics show that even when these advertisement units display very relevant ads, visitors will not click through. This is commonly known as 'ad blindness'.

Many webmasters have found some degree of success by placing advertisement units directly before the first paragraph, of each article or page. The theory behind this success is that readers will notice relevant ads, while they are searching for the beginning of your text.

Another blending method that has proved to be successful is placing the largest rectangular unit between paragraphs. These spaced out units give readers the opportunity to pause between each thought that the article or page is trying to convey. 
This is actually the same method used in television advertising. No doubt, you are familiar with the success of commercials. Just as television advertisers sell their products during program pauses, your goal is to generate Adsense income because of a pause, with your text.

Probably the most obvious way to blend your ad units is to change the background and border color of your advertisement to the same color as the location where the ad unit will be placed. Doing so, makes it seem more like the advertisements are part of your actual content

You may even want to experiment using these methods together. Like any other type of advertising with a lot of the success, is due to experimenting and trial and error. You can begin by testing out certain format for two weeks and see how it goes before further tweaks are implemented.

It is important to remember that success with Adsense program will not happen overnight. Take the time to try several methods of advertisement blending, because in the long run it is definitely worth the effort and dedication.

The Secret Of Success - Desire, Duty, Or Dereliction?

People go through this thing that we call life and while some are incredibly successful, there are others who just "get by" until the final curtain is drawn.

Determining your level of actual involvement in your life – and thus, your level of success – can be broken down into 3 categories: Desire, Duty, or Dereliction.


Following the path of desire is simply doing what you choose to do with your life. From a standpoint of health, wealth, and happiness, the person who follows their desires is fueled by one thing, and one thing only – their own desires.


A life filled with a dedication to duty is one where even though you keep your own desires in mind, your primary focus always seems to be on the welfare of others. Whether you are talking about a dedication to your children or your family, or if you have a very high work ethic, the person motivated by duty always has plenty of things to focus on.


Dereliction is a pretty strong term, but it needs to be because this type of person doesn't care about much of anything. They aren't necessarily "evil" as most people would consider the meaning of that term, but this person isn't concerned about very much. Whether considering what happens with their own life, or considering the needs of others or the world at large, this person is pretty much just floating through life without any real sense of duty or desire.

So now the question becomes which one of those personality types is most likely to succeed? Each of those people will achieve massive success on their chosen path because they are doing exactly what they feel they are supposed to be doing, and so they will continue to attract that type of lifestyle.

The person who is completely driven by their own desires and refuses to do anything that doesn't match that direction will rarely be found engaging in any activity that is not centered around whatever it is that they want to be doing at that moment.

The duty-bound individual will continually find new ways to be duty-bound. When one commitment is handled, they will attract or create a new commitment for themselves, often without even realizing that they are doing it.

For the person who is practicing the opposite of duty – dereliction – their entire focus is on not focusing on much of anything. By not having any real direction for their life, and by not really caring one way or the other about what happens with other people, this person will continue to manifest that lifestyle. Their circumstances will require them to have as little input or responsibility as possible. For a more clear definition of this individual, think one word: Teenagers. 
So who is right? Which one of these people is going to have the most happiness in their life?

If you define happiness as being "successful," then each of them will be just as happy. They will each attract into their lives the people and the circumstances that will allow them to continue to successfully be exactly the type of person that they are choosing to be.

The key to determining which one of them will be the most successful does not rely on "standard" markers such as financial success, career satisfaction, personal life, etc., because those methods of measuring success only matter to the person who cares about those types of measurements.

The "starving artist" doesn't care about financial success, at least not initially. Your average painter, illustrator, sculptor, or musician would probably do what they do for free, as long as they still had a roof over their head and enough resources to survive.

A family-focused mother or father will gladly give of their time and their financial resources, usually to the point of putting their own health, retirement, and even their sanity on the line. Yet they continue to honor what they believe to be their commitment to their children, regardless of the consequences.

The person who doesn't much care one way or the other will happily float through life without a real financial plan, without any solid family or friendship commitments, and without even knowing what their own life is going to hold in store for them. However, they are choosing that life for themselves, so does that make them wrong?

The answer to all of these questions is that none of these people are "right" and none of them are "wrong". They are only seen in a positive or a negative light by the person who is observing them, and they are being judged by the observing person's belief system.

The fact of the matter is that the concepts of "right" or "wrong" don't really exist. All that exist are the belief systems of individuals, and it is neither appropriate nor even in our power to judge others based on what we believe to be true.

The "secret of success" is that each of these individuals is 100% successful because they are doing exactly what they choose to be doing with their lives. In fact, failure itself does not even exist, as it is just another example of one person's beliefs about what is good or what is bad.

Desire, duty, and dereliction will all bring success to the individuals who live their lives from that point of view. Not because that point of view is right or wrong, but simply because that is what that person wants to do. What greater success is there than that?

How do I build a winning business plan?

Using sample business plans and their structure, along with studying as many business plan examples as you can, will provide you with the necessary framework to consider your business from every possible angle.

Starting or running your business without a business plan is akin to being a human without a skeleton!

Not only will using a sample structure highlight any areas you haven't fully thought through, but it will also provide you with a good idea of what makes a good business plan, and what doesn't.

The importance of your business plan as a motivational factor in running or starting your business cannot be underestimated. You will find that your commitment continues to build as you collect information, research and write each section.

Your business plan should always accompany requests for Small Business Loans , and lenders or any kind of angel investor will simply refuse to consider your business proposal without one.

Lenders and investors want to see your plan with the aim of satisfying key questions before they make their decision to grant funding or not.

Once you've commenced trading your small business plan will act as a steak in the ground, and help you measure where you expected to be against where you actually are. It will help you take corrective action as necessary.

Sample Business Plan Structure

All plans should include at least the elements listed below, and perhaps additional sections depending on the type of industry. <

Executive Summary
Company Background
Products or Service Overview
Unique Selling Proposition and competitive advantages
The Marketplace
Leadership and management profiles including professional competencies
Professional Support
Risks and Threats assessment
Financial forecasts including key assumptions
Relevant appendices

Collecting the information for all the sections is time consuming and sometimes difficult. The business section of your local library is always a good place to start research. Ask your friendly librarian about how to look up market research reports, and how to investigate competitors.

If you are not familiar with spreadsheet software, constructing the necessary financial forecasts represents a significant hurdle. You have 2 choices:

Pay someone to put part or all of the plan together for you, or a small investment in some business planning software.

The advantage of using a professional is you will receive the benefits of their experience, combined with a professional looking plan.

The disadvantage is that it won't be easy to make changes, and more importantly, because you will not have been as involved in its preparation, you won't be as familiar with its contents as you should be. Make sure to learn the contents well. 
One final tip though, remember it's the quality of the information you put into it that determines what comes out.